Hi, my name is Prakhar Mishra
I'm an Aspiring Developer,and a Digital Product based Designer from Bengaluru.

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Thank you for Visiting Me... I am Prakhar, 3rd Year Undergrad from Presidency University Bangalore, I am pretty much open to projects, I am experienced in User Interface desiging, web Development and Aspiring myself towards Product development as Software Development Engineer.

I am open to community works , my recent experience are shared in downtabs, I am Skilling myself in Java, C/C++ as Programming languages, I am Aware of Figma , Adobe XD as designing Platforms, I am pretty Familiar with Html, CSS, Javascript ....as a web developer. Currently, learning Agile Modelling and Methodologies for full-time software development life cycle. Also, implementing those via solving problems by making products in REST API's, Java and spring Apps.

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University Notes App

This App is Designed on Figma, and made in Flutter Framework, The Main Concept behind the App was to solve the University content sharing platform as the key was lagging without any proper format The notes was shared on Whatsapp, which bound students to miss the previous semester subjects and no reversible access.

See Live Source Code

UI/UX on online medical Consultation and Diagonsis.

This UI/UX was one of my close study on making user-friendly interface with respect to online consultation during the most high covid period times, as it was not a rolling option to circulate yourself outside of your homes, during those times, The Design is being made on Figma on different levels of Frames and Screens.

See Design

UI/UX Design Challenge

This Design Challenge was given to me by one of my seniors to integrate various features of login and signup in a user friendly context with a blenge of Splash Screen, It was a context to match the parent color requirements and escasity of Determining the same level of Posture and screen themes. The Design was made on Figma as a Platform.

See Design


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